National Tea Party Organizers Freaked Out by a New Way Forward

I know this may be a little twisted, but there are a few things more fun for me than being attacked by right wingers. I consider it one of the greatest honors of my life. It happened again today.
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So I know this may be a little twisted, but there are a few things more fun for me than being attacked by right wingers. I consider it one of the greatest honors of my life that I have been attacked by Rush Limbaugh (4 times by name), Sean Hannity, Cal Thomas, and Paul Weyrich, and even had an "expose" of me done by National Review. I get a little thrill every time it happens.

It happened again today, this time as a way of attacking the New Way Forward movement, and as usual, they got the most basic facts in their article wrong. A reporter named Judi McLeod, whose work (according to her byline) has appeared on the aforementioned Limbaugh along with, Drudge, Fox News, and Glen Beck, "broke" the following news flash:

Mata Hari would have nothing on today's far left, whose latest wolf-in-sheep's-clothing sabotage aims at the heart of America's growing Tea Party Movement.

Sabotage moonbat moves to undercut America's 2,000 plus Tea Parties has bypassed sneaky for sinister.

"Just this morning, I received word that a new radical organization calling itself "A New Way Forward" has put together an underhanded sneak attack designed to undercut the popular uprising known as the Tea Party Movement," Bill Wilson, of Americans for Limited Government (ALG), warned mainstreet Americans yesterday.

"Simply put, their idea is to stage phony rallies throughout the country on April 11 -- made to look like they are part of the Tea Party movement -- while actually opposing Tea Party principles and supporting the complete government takeover of our banking system."

Memo to mainstream Americans: The far left, masters of hypocrisy and street theatre, will use decoys in "The Way Forward" to pose as YOU in an attempt to undermine and shut down the Tea Party movement.

Just like the Moonbats, they can count on the mainstream media to help them pull off their doublecross.

"'The Way Forward' scam was conjured up by an Obama activist named Michael Lux," says Wilson. "Lest anyone try to tell you that Mr. Lux is sincere in saying he wants to "help rebuild the banking system", don't you believe it for one single second. Before starting up his new Obama front group, Lux was a high-paid lobbyist for the AFL-CIO, a top executive for the leftwing People for the American Way, and a special assistant at the Clinton White House."

"His plan now is to divert people's attention from the April 15 Tea Parties by holding his phony rallies, on April 11th. He knows his fellow left wingers in the mainstream media will go along with his scheme to nationalize our banking system--and that's why it is up to you and me to expose it for what it is right now!"

"So here is what I am asking you to join me in doing now:

•"Alert your family, friends and neighbors to the fact that the "Way Forward" scam has nothing whatsoever to do with the real Tea Parties;
•"If "Way Forward" sets up one of its phony rallies in your community, organize your own protests and make sure the media knows you are standing up for free enterprise and;
•"Send me any information you can to help expose the "Way Forward" rallies for what they really are--a blatant move to socialize our banking system.

"If Michael Lux and his "Obamunist" comrades have their way, they will nationalize our banks, seize their assets, and place fellow Obama lackeys in the top positions of authority. That's how ruthless they actually are."

Meanwhile, on April 15 be on the lookout for tea-drinking wolves in sheep's clothing.

The only problem? Well, I had nothing to do with starting, or organizing, or otherwise "conjuring up" A New Way Forward. ANWF was started by grassroots activists with no money and no backing from organizations in DC. I heard about it several days after they got it started, and then kept hearing people buzzing about it. I was so impressed with what they had been able to put together, and with their policy ideas, that I just called up the number on their website and asked how I could help, and ever since have gotten more and more involved.

I really wish I could claim credit for it, because this kind of organizing is an admirable and smart way to take on this fundamental issue of what to do on to fix the broken banking system.

Ms. McLeod got one other massive thing wrong as well: Rather that being a front group for Obama, ANWF strongly disagrees with the Obama banking policy.

I guess facts have never been all that important to right wingers like the folks who put out this story, and I do appreciate the mention -- I really do. But your lame tea party movement has already been exposed as a sham, guys, so no need to get so worked up about A New Way Forward eclipsing you: it's already happened.

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