The Son Also Triangulates

They are all triangulating in one way or another and it is a result of a class of consultants who were taught to dodge and misinform or shape opinion around polling data wherever and whenever possible.
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Barack Obama promises to transcend retail politics; no negative campaigning; what a joke - look at his staff. Hillary Clinton doesn't have anything to apologize for; give me a break; Wolfon's squawking on Hardball still gives me nightmares; John McCain hires the Swift-Boat-Veteran guy to run his campaign; Shakespearean irony that will surely lead to a familiar conclusion. Giuliani is now a different man from his liberally social past; an outing should be in the works or at the very least a good bit of nose pinching among those on the far right. Romney is good-looking and does not believe he is a direct descendant of Jesus Christ; well... well... They are all triangulating in one way or another and it is a result of a class of consultants who were taught to dodge and misinform or shape opinion around polling data wherever and whenever possible.

I can't completely believe these Candidates mean to portray themselves in this manner but they all do. If you call the campaign headquarters and work your way through the fluff you eventually make yourself available to play your own little game of Hardball where questions are dodged and answers are deferred. What a despicable way to run for President...

It is amazing that another election cycle will be fed to us by the same old wore-out bunch of political consultants whose only talent is to make the best among us look weak. Public financing must come soon because these consultants are strangling the life out of the process.

If each candidate could be limited to about $50 million counting backwards from the day they announced through the general election then I think we would get a much more clear understanding of who is best fit to lead our Country. Triangulation fans - the Clintons, the Bushes and the current breed of political consultants will not want to hear this and they are the reasons why larger and more important issues like the war, health care, deficit spending, terrorism, and others get a passing glance. They all practice a politics of concession and of reelection or what next; a practice that concedes record profits to big oil, pharmaceuticals, insurance and one that allows a war to spiral out of control because of deference to profiteers that advances their own careers. We need to wake up and realize this - this style of politics is without a soul - it is without a soul and I'll be damned if I help it advance one more step of the way...

I can't imagine my father wanting me to work with these people nor can I imagine wishing this for my son.

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