Buzz on the Impeachment Front ...

If you want to see impeachment of Gonzales move forward -- a process that may reveal high crimes and misdemeanors in the Office of the President -- I suggest you tell Dodd to lead on the issue.
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At YearlyKos, after the candidate's forum, I attended the Chris Dodd breakout session and asked a question about impeachment. I left unimpressed with the answer. Here's the exchange:

As you can see, there wasn't any room for wiggle; Dodd was opposed to the impeachment of Alberto Gonzalez.

Fast forward two weeks.

According to the DesMoines Register, August 18, 2007:

About 35 people attended the event, where Dodd also said he leaned toward supporting impeachment of U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

That was in response to a question about whether Dodd would work to impeach President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Gonzales.

"Alberto Gonzales -- I gotta tell you, if your question would have been just about Alberto Gonzales, I would've been a little less secure in my answer to you," said Dodd, who said he didn't support pursuing impeachment of Bush or Cheney. "The president and vice president of the United States, I just don't want to go down that road. Gonzales -- I'm open to you convincing me that this is one we might want to move on."

If you want to see impeachment of Gonzales move forward -- a process that will almost certainly reveal high crimes and misdemeanors in the Office of the Vice President and Office of the President -- I suggest you start telling Dodd to lead on the issue.

Full disclosure: I am not a Dodd partisan (I'm strongly lean towards Edwards), but when possible, I do enjoy the company of two of his key outreach people, Matt Browner-Hamlin and Tim Tagaris.

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