VIDEO: Israel's Policy of Reducing The Palestinian Population of Jerusalem

VIDEO: Israel's Policy of Reducing The Palestinian Population of Jerusalem
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Check out this piece from Ha'aretz about what Israel is doing to Jerusalem.

"Last year set an all-time record for the number of Arab residents of East Jerusalem who were stripped of residency rights by the Interior Ministry. Altogether, the ministry revoked the residency of 4,577 East Jerusalemites in 2008 - 21 times the average of the previous 40 years.

"In the first 40 years of Israeli rule over East Jerusalem combined, from 1967 to 2007, the ministry deprived only 8,558 Arabs of their residency rights - less than double the number who lost their permits last year alone. Thus of all the East Jerusalem Arabs who have lost their residency rights since 1967, about 35 percent did so in 2008. "

Then watch the video. All this, subsidized by us.

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