A New and Old Take on Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Alicewinks

A New and Old Take on Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Alicewinks
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Fans and newcomers to Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland have something really special in store this season. This is Alicewinks, a remarkable ebook. A labor of love by creators David Neal, William McQueen, and Brittney Owens, the edition took years, but the result is spectacular. It is a beautiful and sensitive presentation of Carroll's book featuring the art of twelve post-Tenniel illustrators. The ebook can be enjoyed as a conventional read (on a tablet, that is), you can peruse the art alone, listen to it, but best of all are the animations which combine art and story fabulously. The creators have taken the work of some older illustrators of the book, some of whom to be honest were not my favorites, and in a manner of speaking, have refurbished them. The animations are elegant and subtle, all in all, beautifully done. Here's a brief taste of this terrific edition.

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