My PWD: His Bite Is Worse Than His Bark

So here I am, week 13 of being a full fledged puppy owner.
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So here I am, week 13 of being a full fledged puppy owner.

We've been through 2 crates (he's grown so quickly, he was out of the 1st crate in 5 weeks!!)

We are currently on leash number 6 (chewed through the 1st 5)

His new toys barely last him one hour (he completely demolishes them)

He's gone through 6 weeks of puppy training school. Passed with flying colours.

But here's the thing...although I am the only one who feeds him, and I am the only one who walks him on 3 out of his 4 walks (yes 4!! Darned pup walks 8 km/day), the one who picks up his poop, takes him to the vet, and pets him, this lovely sweet gentle puppy BITES me. Yes BITES. I'm not talking gentle playful nips. Full fledged bites. There have been times when I'll be standing with my back to him. He'll come up behind me and take a chunk out of my leg (usually my thigh). It HURTS.

Usually, the biting pattern begins like this...I'll calmly be reading on the couch. The 2 other males in my home will not be in the same room as me. (Pup would never dare try this behavior with so much testosterone in the room) So there I am, calmly reading on the couch, not even aware that pup is around. Pup puts his paws on the couch (he knows he's not allowed on the he does this on purpose). I remove his paws from the couch...he puts them back on. He thinks this is a game. I stand up to show him my authority (hah!). PWD's are notoriously agile. Pup stands on his hind legs for about 10 seconds... all the while pawing at me. I push him down. He crouches, starts barking, and begins to bite my ankles. I try to use canine body language, try to ignore him (hah!) He sneaks up behind me and tries to take chunks out of my arms and legs. I give him a chew toy to distract him, he spits it out and lunges. I try to go back to the couch, but he's way ahead of me..he's jumped on it and proceeds to annihilate the cushions.

I know the crate is the only way he'll calm down...snap out of his frenzy. In the 13 weeks that I've had him, I've been bitten more often than a lifetime of mosquito bites! Because I don't want him to see the create as a punishment, I start tossing all his favorite toys in there all the while faking a smile and moving closer to the door. I want him to see it as a happy place (hah!). Once he gets close, I nudge him in and lock the door behind him. He's got all his toys in there and is super happy. He immediately lies down and goes to sleep!! Yeah, after a good meal I like to sleep too!!

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