Sowing the Seeds of Love

Okay, I admit it. I saw Tears for Fears in concert. My friend bought the tickets, but I did go voluntarily. I'm letting go of my shame in life. It's cleansing.
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Okay, I admit it. I saw Tears for Fears in concert. My friend bought the tickets, but I did go voluntarily. I'm letting go of my shame in life. It's cleansing. So yesterday those two spoke to me: "Time to eat all your words; swallow your pride, open your eyes." Repeat.

I heard a friend speak at the New York Business Expo this week about what it took to build his company into a $200 million company. He likened it to parallel parking. Back and forth, in and out, over and over until you get it. Continuing even when your wife says: "There's no way that we can fit into that space." Practicing a lot, then getting it done. Impressive.

I feel like that on the inside, but how do I help people find love in a hopeless place? It feels like getting a U-Haul into a tiny parking space. And then realizing that there's a hydrant there. Frustrating, but maybe it's a sign? The seeds of love need to be quenched. It's going to take more than a Drip. (That's a private joke for those of you who know me -- if you don't, check out my bio on Matchmaker Café.) It's going to take a wave, of hurricane proportions. Let's surf!

I may be getting a little too metaphoric here, I realize now. So let me give it to you Cosmo Girl style:

Top 10 Ways to Sow the Seeds of Love:

(BTW, this list can be re-purposed for married people too, surprisingly.)

  1. Smile
  2. Smile with your eyes
  3. Position yourself in the room somewhere that makes you approachable, nay, bump-into-able
  4. Have the opening line
  5. Sexy sells
  6. Ask good questions
  7. Listen to the answer
  8. Say something completely stupid and embarrassing about yourself (non-sexual though, don't jump the shark on this)
  9. Be hard to get (which is different from playing hard to get)
  10. Be possible to get (impossible is too intimidating)

Oh, and did I mention to join Matchmaker Café? I didn't put that in the Top 10 because that one should NOT be re-purposed for married people. Unless your hobby is setting up your friends on Facebook. Then please call me!

If you've gotten all the way through reading this blog, and you are ready for action then you deserve digits. Follow me here and I will give you my number if you ask. My "short-list" of iPhone contacts consists of a very good bunch of high caliber individuals that I have been sowing recently. I've heard that you reap what you sow.


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