10 Reasons to Be Grateful You're Planning Your Wedding: Etiquette Advice From a Seasoned Wedding Planner

You're engaged, and maybe a bit overwhelmed. So much to do, so much to plan!
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You're engaged, and maybe a bit overwhelmed. So much to do, so much to plan!

It all begins with G R A T I T U D E, and when your focus is on what really matters, the wedding planning process will be fun and peaceful.

Here's some etiquette and fun advice from your Funny, Bossy Pants Wedding Planner:

Print out this list, pop it on your bathroom mirror, and read it over and over and over, and remember why you're beginning your life with your love!

10 Reasons to Be Grateful During your Wedding Planning Process:

1)FIANCEE: You've got a Fiancee! Someone who says to you, "You're the best thing that ever happened to me." Pinch yourself.
2)FAMILY: You've got a cool family. OK. Some of them. "La Familia", as it is said, means that there will be those you love, and those you have to invite. Embrace both.
3)BEAUTY: Really, what other time in your life are you going to be asked,
"What flowers/colors/cake/food/view/ clothes do you love? Where would YOU like to have a party? Serious enjoyment.
4)FUN: You get to have fun going new places, having tours, being shown the beauty of the local (or not so local) land. Don't be a brat. Be gracious. People helping you in the hospitality business do their jobs because they love what they do, and you'll get a lot more bees with honey.
5)ANTICIPATION: Surprises are in the works for you! Can't tell you what they'll be. Love them when they come your way.
6)LOVE: Can you believe how many people are happy for you? Thank you notes are in order to everyone at every step of the way.
7)PARTIES: You're going to have a lot of them: Engagement, showers, bachelorette, and so on. A semi-sober bride or groom is 100% better than being drunk. Trust me on this one.
8)ADVENTURE: Go somewhere wild on your honeymoon. Somewhere you think you'll never go ever, ever again in your life.
9)FRIENDS: I need to say nothing more here than, "Make new friends, and keep the old. Some are silver, and the others are gold". Girl Scout Song
10)THE WALK: On your Wedding Day, this is what will matter most. You're going to meet your partner on the first real walk of your life together. Whether you have a first look (or not), breathe deeply, look around, and then place your eyes on your partner, and never take them away.
Because, gratitude, during your Wedding Planning process, and on your Wedding Day, leads to a long and happy marriage.

For more of Natalie's Philosophies, visit www.natalievishny.com Her first book is in the works.

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