Again, Hans Blix is Right and Bush is Wrong

President Bush may go down in history as one of the most clueless leaders to have ever occupied the White House.
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President Bush may go down in history as one of the most clueless leaders to have ever occupied the White House. He got the intelligence wrong on Iraq and now New Orleans.

Despite the evidence presented by UN inspector Hans Blix and others, Bush insisted Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and warranted a preemptive attack. Then, last week, he made the astonishing statement that "I don't think anyone anticipated a breach in the levees." As Lousiana Senator Mary Landrieu pointed out, even the clay cartoon figure "Mr. Bill" had warned in public service announcements before Katrina that the levees wouldn't hold in the face of a strong hurricane. "Mr. Bill was better informed than Mr. Bush" she concluded.

Since leaving the UN, Hans Blix has been arguing that global warming
is a far liklier threat to humanity than weapons of mass destruction.
By most accounts, the increased number of hurricanes in the Atlantic
and the Gulf is part of a natural cycle, but the intensity of the storms is a one of the consequences of global warming.

The devastation of an entire city suggests that perhaps we should
listen to Mr. Blix once again. We need a strategy to preempt global warming.

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