I would like to share with you my favorite butternut squash soup. It's simple, quick and very easy to make.
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Through history these vegetables have seen many and varied uses. The Romans
used squash mixed with honey to aid the digestion. In some Mediterranean
regions, certain types of squash are used as bottles once they have dried. In
Native American tribes, squash was once such an important part of the diet
that they buried it along with the dead to provide them nourishment on their
final journey, and in my country, which is Nicaragua, squash were cooked
with Dulce -- a type of molasses and cinnamon stick -- for
several hours and given to the people that came to celebrate in honor of
the Virgin Mary during the month of December.

We just now begun to discover the amazing powers of nourishment supplied by
such mildly sweet-flavored squash! Who knew that these coarse gourds
are holding within them a treasure of medicinal properties, which few
appreciate even today? The particular composition of their skin make them
one of the most beneficial foods available for maintaining healthy arteries,
along with many other dietary application. You can see just how fantastic
squash can be when it comes to these key antioxidants.

Squash is one of the lowest of any foods in fat and sodium. Squash has richness in beta-carotene and minerals such as potassium and calcium. So if
you are a vegan or you want to go full calcium but not increase milk intake, then
this is your vegetable! Squash has anti-inflammatory properties, and is a
blood sugar regulator due to its high levels of soluble fiber and B

The seeds can even be used as a snack. And I must say I personally love it!
You can dehydrate (let them dry) or just place them in the oven with
some spices at your pick and you've got yourself a wonder-delicious snack!

My recommendation is that you buy them organic when you can, because it is
known as one of the 12 foods that carry residues of pesticides. Winter
squash are best from August through March but they are in their prime from
October to November.

And so I would like to share with you my favorite butternut squash

It's simple, quick and very easy to make. Enjoy it as much as I do!

Butternut squash soup


3 cups of butternut squash

2 medium tomatoes cut in quarters

1 medium red bell pepper cut in quarters

1 ½ of fresh raw almond milk (homemade)

1 cup of water

1 tsp of Herbamare seasoning

1 tsp of Mexican seasoning

½ tsp of Cinnamon

4 garlic cloves

1 medium shallot

Pinch of cayenne (optional but really good)

In a medium pot add the squash, tomatoes, bell pepper, shallots, garlic,
spices and water. Cook approximately 15 to 20 minutes or until tender. Then
transfer to a blender and add the almond milk and blend until smooth. Adjust
the water or almond milk if necessary to get the desire consistency.

Herbamare seasoning and the Mexican seasoning, both organic, can be purchased
at any health food store.

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