american flag

Flags are used to instil pride and hope, but for many people, the Mississippi flag represents oppression and terror. We traveled to Jackson, Mississippi to figure out why its state flag still contains the Confederate emblem, and why people are so passionate about flags in the first place.
Rep. Dan Crenshaw demanded that Gwen Berry be kicked off the U.S. Olympic team after she turned away from the American flag during the national anthem in protest against racism.
The Texas Republican describes hammer thrower Gwen Berry's silent protest against racism as a "pathology" linked to "critical race theory."
Under President Eisenhower's executive order, government offices must fly the standard U.S. ensign. Trump doesn’t at his "Southern White House."
Colin Kaepernick reportedly criticized Nike's limited edition “Betsy Ross” shoes due to the design’s connection to slavery.
"Late Show" host hits at the president's "historically long and epically weird" CPAC speech.
Donald Trump Jr. tried to call out Democratic congresswomen for not wearing flag pins at the State of the Union address.
Flags are used to instill pride and hope, but for many people, the Mississippi flag represents oppression and terror.