
A federal appeals court has ruled that Lonnie Billard’s rights weren't violatied when he was fired after announcing his marriage to another man on social media.
Paige Casey said CVS had previously allowed her to opt out of prescribing or providing the drugs and certain contraceptives without incident.
Robb Elementary School teacher Irma Garcia died in the shooting at the Uvalde, Texas, grade school and her husband, Joe, died two days later from a heart attack.
“The court was thought to be the least dangerous branch and we may have become the most dangerous,” the Supreme Court Justice said. “And I think that’s problematic.”
The Church wants to correct the “myths and disinformation” that are slowing the fight against the coronavirus.
Acclaimed author Neil Gaiman also chimed in on a petition about the Amazon series mistakenly addressed to Netflix.
Many of the new cardinals come from developing countries, underscoring Francis' belief that the church should become less Euro-centric.
Believing in both does not cancel out one or the other.