center for medical progress

Anti-abortion activist David Daleiden faces felony charges after producing heavily-edited undercover videos purporting to show Planned Parenthood executives discussing the sale of fetal tissue.
The family planning provider is more popular today than it was before the sting videos came out.
The anti-abortion activists behind the videos were indicted Monday.
"There are always going to be efforts by anti-abortion activists who try to stop groups like Planned Parenthood in their tracks."
The court papers said the pair unlawfully used a fake government record "with the intent to defraud or harm others."
The provider called the series of videos an "elaborate, illegal conspiracy in order to block women’s access to safe and legal abortion."
"The videos, as dishonest as the videos are, have had their intended effect."
California judge says the group cannot decline to testify in a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood.
The House passed a pair of bills related to Planned Parenthood funding and "abortion survivors" on Friday.