corey feldman

The "Goonies" star famously claimed in 2013 that the Hollywood predators who allegedly abused him got away with it — and is still plagued by Walters' reaction.
The former child-star couple reunited for the first time in 25 years and the tears and memories flowed.
"These sick, twisted and outlandish allegations never occurred,” the actor told HuffPost after a new documentary resurfaced Feldman's claim.
The actor, who befriended Jackson as a child, previously criticized the HBO documentary for being one-sided.
The recording has now been turned over to the Los Angeles Police Department.
Haim would've been a teenager at the time, according to the allegations.
Grissom appeared in two movies that starred Feldman.
“I’m taking the matter into my own hands,” Feldman said Monday.
The actor said that the problem is ongoing in the industry.