east jerusalem

"Just because you can legalize an evil act doesn’t make it any less evil," Mohammed el-Kurd, who was recently detained, told journalist Mehdi Hasan.
Thousands took to the streets of Gaza as the cease-fire took hold. Spontaneous celebrations also broke out in east Jerusalem and across the occupied West Bank.
The Palestinians have already rejected the proposal, accusing Trump of being biased in favor of Israel.
The Democratic congresswomen will not be able to visit the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem because of their pro-Palestinian remarks.
Trump said Palestinians snubbed the United States by not meeting Vice President Mike Pence during a recent visit.
The move would make it harder for Israel to cede control over parts of Jerusalem in any peace deal with the Palestinians.
Israel wants to name a train station after the U.S. president to thank him for recognizing Jerusalem as its capital.
“We see Jesus in the children of the Middle East who continue to suffer because of growing tensions between Israelis and Palestinians."
The move comes a few days after the Guatemalan government backed the United States in a row over the city’s status.