
“For us, getting to work with all these communities — it felt like, ‘Oh, this is what we should have been doing all along,'" says one Portland Fruit Tree Project member.
"I can’t articulate what it was like to lose my mother like that, after being diagnosed with the same disease. I just know the fear of meeting that same fate was something I carried since that hot July day."
An emerging ballroom scene exudes glamour and freedom in Caracas despite repression.
Matt Ramey photographed North Carolina drag queens in and out of costume while asking them about "living their truth."
At Wild West City, mostly white actors protect America from the nefarious, often non-white “others.”
Arthur Ozerov, who volunteered for the military, used drag to help unlock a part of himself he’d been suppressing.
Photographer Seth Herald and Andrew Gaultier document the ups and downs of a touring country music band in a COVID world.
Abandoned and lost pets are unaccounted-for victims of the war in Ukraine. Here are the volunteers trying to save their lives.
"Just minutes after crossing the border into my new home state, I noticed a new billboard with a clear message: You moved to Arizona for more freedom, so don’t vote like you did in California."