
Flags are used to instil pride and hope, but for many people, the Mississippi flag represents oppression and terror. We traveled to Jackson, Mississippi to figure out why its state flag still contains the Confederate emblem, and why people are so passionate about flags in the first place.
In the year since Unite the Right, small towns across the country have been determined not to be the next Charlottesville. Many still wonder what can be done to stop white supremacists from marching and rallying in cities. HuffPost spoke with former ACLU president Nadine Strossen about what it means to censor hate speech in an era of increasing attacks from hate groups. Where can we draw the line between free speech and violence?
Darlene Bogle spent decades believing she could "pray the gay away." She opened her own ministry as an "ex-gay" support group after discovering her own same-sex attraction in college. Darlene soon found herself traveling the country to attend conferences, appear on TV shows, and give speeches on behalf of Exodus International, another ex-gay organization. Now, she’s working with both the LGBTQ and Christian communities in California to deliver a message: "I'm sorry."
This survivor of sexual assault has been struggling in a political landscape that, at times, has invalidated her experiences and those of other survivors. Her story is a reminder of why voting in the midterm elections is more important than ever.
Gerrymandering gets a bad rap, but the remapping of electoral districts every decade is required by our constitution. Here’s why and how the people who redraw our electoral districts have the power to alter our election results for years to come.
E-bikes, and the large population of delivery cyclists who ride them, are the key to New York City’s booming takeout industry. So why does the city confiscate and ticket them at an alarming rate? Cycling advocates say it’s part of an outdated law that affects populations of immigrants working long hours, often serving as contractors who lack health insurance and the ability to sue their employers or push back on tech industry behemoths. Mayor Bill de Blasio says the crackdown is a response to safety concerns and community complaints, and regulation is aimed at businesses that break the law. HuffPost took to the streets on two wheels to examine how the system is failing immigrants and what can be done to fix it.
Guns have been around for centuries, but no nation has embraced the firearm like the United States. Nearly half of all civilian-owned guns belong to Americans. From cowboy movies to action films, from the Winchester rifle to the AR-15, what are the roots of America’s gun obsession?
Since the deadly "Unite The Right" rally in August, white supremacists have targeted multiple cities for rallies. Each has been determined not to be the next Charlottesville. Here’s what the people in Newnan, Georgia, had to say as the town prepared for a neo-Nazi event to take over the local park on April 21.