Huntington Beach, California

Beaches in Huntington Beach will reopen after water quality tests revealed no detectable levels of oil-associated toxins in the ocean water.
An oil spill in California, conflict in Kashmir and flooding in Bangkok make up some of this week's most memorable images.
The pipeline’s owner alerted authorities about the oil spill off Huntington Beach Saturday. The first reports of a sheen and foul smell were called in Friday.
The oil created a miles-wide sheen in the ocean and washed ashore in sticky, black globules along with dead birds and fish.
Chad Kroeger and JT Parr, the "activists" behind the comedy account Chad Goes Deep, could not get people in Huntington Beach to mask up.
"These folks at Huntington Beach undoubtedly spread the virus even more," warned the California Democrat.
Both birds are recovering after being treated with IV fluids.
Sheriff's deputies in helicopter tell paddleboarders to get out "in a calm manner."
Six busted in "disagreement of beliefs," says State Parks Police captain.