john leguizamo

The actors starred alongside Wesley Snipes in the 1995 comedy-drama "To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar" — and nearly got into a fistfight on-set.
The actor called out the Spanish-language network for swiftly shifting its critical view of Donald Trump before a “consequential election” for Latino voters.
The actor turned one of the ex-president's most infamous quotes right back at him.
The actor said that "as a viewer" there was one thing he'd like to see.
The ex-president seemed to catch himself at not-quite the right moment.
The “Encanto” star opened up about his frustrations with what he described as an “unspoken Latin quota” in Hollywood.
While Castro's daughter Alina Fernandez supported Franco's casting, actor John Leguizamo and others accused the filmmakers of cultural appropriation.
Ryan Reynolds, Demi Lovato and Kendrick Lamar are just a few of the many celebrities who have spoken out about mental health.
Both became pop culture legend by infiltrating the mainstream with camp and complexity.