marriage license

"What exactly happens to the original marriage? In fact, whose wife am I?"
State law gives couples 10 days to tie the knot after getting the license.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued an executive order allowing people to remotely marry due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The GOP-backed bill would knock down barriers to same-sex marriage, but that's not what motivated it.
For the record, New Mexico became a U.S. state in 1912.
The Kentucky clerk made headlines after she refused to issue a marriage license to a gay couple in 2015.
At a Kentucky voter forum, the clerk appeared to reject the Supreme Court's 2015 marriage equality ruling once again.
Kentucky Democrat Elwood Caudill Jr. said he's "really hurt" by the accusations.
New York's governor wants to look into a town clerk refusing to issue the license, in part due to opposing same-sex marriage.
Despite support from Amy Schumer and Susan Sarandon, David Ermold won't challenge Davis this fall.