National Parks

Industry pros share the places that stole their hearts and launched their careers.
Director Charles Sams wants visitors to the nation’s 428 park sites to learn about modern tribal governments, “regardless of the bad, the ugly or the good.”
This calendar of breathtaking landscapes is just $7 at Amazon for a limited time.
A portion of Fort Totten Park has been closed off since April, when two metal canisters were discovered in the soil.
Salvatore Del Deo and his family worked out an agreement with federal officials that allows them to live in and maintain the shack for five years.
The Trump administration’s decision to keep national parks open during a long shutdown resulted in catastrophic damage ― and officials don’t want to make the same mistake twice.
The National Parks Conservation Association says every day of a shutdown could mean national parks collectively losing nearly 1 million visitors.
“I was up on the ledge and was moving out of the way so other people could take a picture,” said 13-year-old Wyatt Kauffman.
President Joe Biden has protected nearly 1 million acres adjacent to the national park, answering calls from a coalition of Native American tribes.
These parks in Washington, Montana, North Carolina and other states are perfect for a summer visit.