Politics News

The former president claimed he has turned down two book deals but is "writing like crazy anyway."
“It is beyond Nixon," the former White House counsel said of the Trump Justice Department collecting private information about members of Congress.
Glenn Kirschner warned what may happen if the former president isn't held accountable.
Using the Justice Department to gather private information about members of Congress carried echoes of Nixon during Watergate.
Officer Karol J. Chwiesiuk allegedly breached the Capitol building, and told an acquaintance beforehand that he was going to D.C. to “f**k up some commies.”
“She was the one who recorded a motion cinema picture that set the world on fire,” said George Floyd's brother, Philonise.
The attorney general said the DOJ will fight back as Republican-led state legislatures pass voting restrictions because of Donald Trump's voter fraud lies.
The first lady carried a bowl of carrots to feed rabbits at a pre-school she visited with the Duchess of Cambridge
The Trump administration's construction project came with a price tag of nearly $20 million per mile.
At least three more men at the Jan. 6 riot have histories of domestic violence or sexual abuse arrests. A HuffPost investigation in February had found nine others.