Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

In 1968, the American Independent Party nominated segregationist George Wallace, the archrival of Kennedy's father, for president.
Kennedy was reacting to the endorsements from his relatives, a move by the Biden campaign that signals how seriously his team is taking the long-shot candidate.
Former colleagues of the presidential candidate suggested that he should exit the 2024 race because of his anti-science beliefs.
The campaigns of both Joe Biden and Donald Trump have worried that Robert F. Kennedy Jr., running as an independent, will pull voters from their side.
Republicans and Democrats alike were highly skeptical of the independent presidential candidate's assertion.
“If I were a Democrat I’d vote for RFK Jr. every single time over Biden," Trump said in a video on Truth Social.
“The only way for him, for Bobby, to shake it up and to get rid of Biden is if he’s on the ballot in every state, including New York.”
Two major Democratic groups representing different wings of the party have come together to combat third-party threats.
The independent presidential candidate known for espousing conspiracy theories continues to minimize the violent Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection.
“It was inserted by a new marketing contractor and slipped through the normal approval process," his campaign said.