Ted Wheeler

The lawsuit says allowing homeless people’s tents to block city sidewalks makes it difficult for people using wheelchairs, walkers or canes to use them.
Police are preparing for possible clashes as thousands are expected to attend the Proud Boys-sponsored event.
A fatal shooting on Saturday led to an argument between Trump and the city’s mayor over who was to blame for the violence.
"What America needs is for you to be stopped," says the angry Democratic mayor following the fatal shooting of a man during a protest.
Authorized by the president, unidentified federal agents have been tear-gassing protesters in Portland, as well as using other forms of excessive force.
Earlier in the night, Ted Wheeler was mostly jeered as he tried to rally demonstrators who have clashed nightly with federal agents.
Police arrested at least 13 people at the Saturday rally.
The president made no mention of the far-right violence encouraged by the Proud Boys, the self-described "western chauvinists" who organized the event.