
Drivers talk about the impact on their lives, and whether or not they even know your tipping habits before they pick you up.
A viral video has people wondering if tipping culture has gotten out of control. Hairstylists have thoughts.
Too many people make this mistake, which can really hurt servers — and your bank account.
A viral video has people wondering if tipping culture has gotten out of control. Hairstylists have thoughts.
Even if you think you’re a great patron, the people who serve you say there might be room for improvement.
The moment of truth comes when they flip around the touchscreen at checkout. To tip or not to tip? That is the question.
A new survey shows U.S. adults are far more likely to tip certain service workers than others.
"Am I Doing It Wrong?," HuffPost's new podcast, investigates the origins of tipping, why it's so problematic, and how we can do better.
Too many people make this mistake, which can really hurt servers — and your bank account.
“Most tip the same as they always do ― even if that is zero,” one driver said. “Yes, people don’t tip at all, even when there’s wildfires.”