Todd Haynes

"They chose to do a ripoff of my original story," said Vili Fualaau, who was the loose inspiration for actor Charles Melton's character in the film.
Todd Haynes' new film, starring Julianne Moore and Natalie Portman, makes an effort to distance itself from the Letourneau case.
The movie stars Mark Ruffalo as a crusading lawyer who fought against a corporation’s corruption.
The director's Oscar-nominated film attracted Marvel-style fandom. Now, "Wonderstruck" marks the latest addition to his résumé.
Here's your first glimpse at one of the year's must-see movies.
The production design shines in "Carol," "Brooklyn" and "The Danish Girl."
"This provides this beautiful opportunity where words don't really guide you through the experience."
Todd Haynes' beautiful film opened in limited release last weekend.
Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara star in a must-see romance.