Tom Carper

The 76-year-old veteran Delaware lawmaker won't seek a fifth term, opening a vacancy for Democrats in the blue state.
The agreement paves the way for President Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill to move forward in the Senate.
Sen. Tom Carper's response to technical difficulties was very relatable.
Stephanie Grisham got a warning for using her government role for partisan politics.
Kerri Evelyn Harris, a community organizer and political newcomer, fell short in her upset bid.
"The spirit of the census is that no one should go uncounted and no one should be invisible," Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) said.
Democratic senators wonder if the embattled EPA chief is using the email scheme to duck open-records laws.
The EPA is moving back "to a time when acid rain fell from the sky," said Tom Carper of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
"This corruption is hollowing out America's middle class & tearing down our democracy," Sen. Elizabeth Warren tweeted.