Al Qaeda

The aim of the peace deal is to withdraw all U.S. troops within 14 months and end America’s longest war.
President Trump retweeted media reports that seemed to confirm the Jan. 25 strike killed top al Qaeda leader Qassim al-Rimi.
White House press aide Hogan Gidley claimed the U.S. killed Libya's Muammar Gaddafi and said Osama bin Laden was killed without congressional approval.
Video shows an unknown man chasing the knife-wielding attacker with a makeshift spear alongside two other brave bystanders.
"When the Mayor of NYC during 9/11 speaks about the atrocities that 'Ben Laden' committed."
A video mashup shows how the two presidents announced the deaths of terrorist leaders in very different ways.
The reality show president treats somber moments like cheap action movies.
The president also claimed that “nobody ever heard of” the terrorist leader when he published his book.
Robert O'Neill was coached by David Spade and Whitney Cummings, who said it was "the second time he killed."
Two officials confirmed to The New York Times that the U.S. reportedly had a role in the killing of the man who was the heir to al Qaeda leadership.