Anthony Bourdain

The rate of people dying by suicide has increased in nearly every state since 1999. Some regions have been hit significantly harder than others.
It’s hard to evolve. It’s harder, still, to do it in public, in real time, like Bourdain did.
The CNN host avoided the elitist cliches about New York's biggest and most diverse borough, and told immigrants' stories.
Instead of tokenizing Asian cuisine, Bourdain would sit down with native chefs and try to understand it.
The celebrity chef and TV host's 2012 comic debut "Get Jiro!" was a New York Times best-seller.
"I pray he is at peace from the bottom of my heart," the Le Bernardin chef wrote.
From eating street food to picking up martial arts, fans remember how the celebrity chef inspired them to take on new challenges.
His words are recognized as vital lessons to live by.
Bourdain featured Obama in an episode about Hanoi, filmed in May 2016.
The late chef was refreshingly honest about his blind spots and the role that Asia Argento played in making him a better ally.