Anthony Scaramucci

Short-time White House communications director says lawmakers should urge Trump's family to persuade the president to step aside for Mike Pence.
Former White House communications director said Trump's staff is too scared to leave and speak out against him -- but they're hoping for a rescue.
The former White House communications director is forming a PAC to run ads against the president's reelection.
The Mooch said he isn't "seeking absolution," but felt it was time to warn voters that Trump shouldn't be re-elected.
The former White House communications director also turned to "Game of Thrones" to explain why Trump should be primaried.
The company confirmed the former White House communications director was temporarily locked out of his account for violating its abusive behavior policy.
"He is the most accessible president in modern history," Stephanie Grisham said during her first TV interview since moving to the West Wing.
The former White House communications director says the GOP could replace the president on the 2020 ballot.
The former White House communications director had a stark warning for his ex-employer.
Trump "turns on everyone, and soon it will be you and then the entire country," cautioned the president's former pal.