Bloomberg L.P.

Staffers at one of Michael Bloomberg's media properties are demanding a reversal of his company's decision not to investigate 2020 Democrats.
The editor-in-chief told staff they will not investigate Michael Bloomberg and said the policy extends to his Democratic competitors.
The leap in their fortunes is thanks to the Trump tax cuts and lower interest rates.
The president has claimed that he was one to release the funds, and that there was no quid pro quo for his call to investigate Joe Biden.
Mackenzie Bezos will receive $38.3 billion worth of Amazon stock, Bloomberg News reported.
There's no mention of it in State Department declaration, and Mexican officials told Bloomberg News they were not aware of it.
The former mayor of New York City said he's pursuing another kind of campaign.
Bloomberg reports former Fox News host once employed immigrant nanny not allowed to work in U.S.
It is unclear whether the order will be signed by President Donald Trump.