Bob Menendez

The president hasn't used new powers on human rights sanctions granted by Congress or mentioned a crisis that experts describe as akin to ethnic cleansing.
Lawmakers had instructed President Donald Trump to order an investigation into Khashoggi's killing by invoking the Global Magnitsky Act.
The shutdown is wreaking havoc on prisons across the country.
They want to know whether Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was personally responsible.
Menendez prevailed despite facing ethics questions and a well-funded GOP opponent.
Senate Majority PAC is spending $3 million to attack Republican Bob Hugin as a Trump clone.
Tainted by corruption charges that he eventually fended off, Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez is fighting for re-election.
"Our questions over what commitments President Trump made ... during the private, two-hour meeting remain unanswered."
Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) loses patience with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s refusal to answer questions on President Trump’s one-on-one meeting with Vladimir Putin.
The secretary of state said he had a “pretty complete understanding” about a two-hour meeting he did not attend.