Campaign Finance

The coup-attempting former president, expected to run for the 2024 nomination, spent just a small fraction of the $151 million he raised on GOP candidates.
Corporate PACs contributed at least $65 million to Republican candidates who deny the results of the 2020 election, according to a new analysis.
Special interest groups have spent billions of dollars trying to influence elections. Much of it has been fueled by anonymous donors.
With seven weeks until Election Day, Democratic leaders are seeking to put Republicans on the defensive over the corrosive influence of money in politics.
The Supreme Court's ruling in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission has opened the door for wealthy donors to spend even more on political campaigns. It will also require interested citizens to learn some new terminology.
Leonard Leo said the donation would help the new group go “toe-to-toe in the fight to defend our constitution and its ideals.”
Parnas used the riches of a wealthy Russian to make illegal donations to politicians.
The Arizona GOP Senate candidate is irked by having to report who gives to his campaign as required by federal law.
With the latest SCOTUS decision to further deregulate campaign finance, the Texas senator will be able pay himself back with fresh donor money.
Here’s how Donald Trump is funneling donor cash into his own pockets.