
The Trump administration is adding a question about citizenship status to the 2020 Census. It’s the first time since 1950 the census will ask that question, and it could have a very real impact on the U.S. population.
Civil rights groups say the question is untested and could depress response rates among minorities.
Thomas Brunell had no management experience, but was being considered for the top operational role at the Census Bureau.
There were times in my life where I was forced to be visible, when all I wanted was to remain invisible. But this is a time in my life where I want to be seen.
Facing a major budget crunch, the man who was counting the U.S. population for Trump is resigning.
A new report on incomes offered lots to celebrate, but women had less reason to cheer.
Also poverty is down and more people have insurance. Maybe dial back that doom and gloom?