central african republic

A team led by the U.N. peacekeeping mission in CAR has traveled to the Kemo prefecture to investigate.
In two months, the brutal militia has kidnapped triple the number of children in the Central African Republic than during all of 2015.
One villager was killed during the raids.
The panel said that the allegations "passed from desk to desk, inbox to inbox, across multiple U.N. offices, with no one willing to take responsibility."
Marcus Bleasdale says without people reporting on the situation in the Central African Republic, “it could very easily have been another Rwanda.”
From a charismatic 4-year-old to a moody teenager to a delicate older woman, Diana Johnson's portraits show that HIV doesn't shape a person.
The pope took his message of peace to the Central African Republic, where thousands have died in clashes that have split the country along religious lines.
The pontiff is visiting Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic.
Militias are back on the streets of Bangui, raising fears of more sectarian violence.