Democratic National Convention

Chris Wallace, Bret Baier, Dana Perino and Karl Rove all gave the former vice president high marks.
The claim is the president’s latest effort to undermine the November election.
Then she warns in her own voice: “Donald Trump doesn’t want any of us to vote because he knows he can’t win fair and square."
Biden and company rebutted some of the Trump campaign’s most prominent arguments.
The president ranted about photo IDs needed to attend the Democratic National Convention and segued into mail-in voting. Twitter set him straight.
In a divided country, Democrats think the former vice president’s character is his strongest selling point.
The Democratic nominee gave young Brayden Harrington tips on dealing with a stutter earlier this year.
The actress also mocked Trump's infamous photo op with a Bible, saying Joe Biden doesn't need federal agents to go to church.
The "Scandal" actor recited what she learned in school while hosting the DNC. Her eighth grade teacher was watching on TV.