Electoral College

Hotel Harrington announces it's closing for the "safety of visitors and employees" as right-wing chats indicate plans for violence and chaos.
“It was important for me to do this one thing that I could do while I still can.” Jack Arends, who has a terminal health issue, broke down in tears after casting his vote for President-elect Joe Biden.
"The president could have lost this election only once, but because of his penchant for self-sabotage he keeps losing it over and over again," she said.
Just as he did in election projections, state certifications, recounts and numerous lawsuits, Donald Trump lost.
The adviser to President Donald Trump outlined the plan to undo President-elect Joe Biden's victory on "Fox & Friends."
The state's 16 Electoral College members will reportedly receive police escorts on Monday.
This is the third election of the 21st century upended by our archaic and anti-democratic institution.
Lawmakers in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have all said they won't intervene in selecting electors.
Georgia has voted for a Democratic president for the first time in 28 years. For that, Joe Biden can thank Stacey Abrams and the work of local voting rights activists.
Congressional Republicans didn't want to talk about the idea of state legislatures overruling the will of the people, but they also didn’t shoot it down outright.