Emmanuel Macron

A strike by Paris garbage collectors protesting a planned raise of the retirement age is taking a toll on the renowned aesthetics of the French capital.
President Emmanuel Macron is under fire over his decision to force a bill upping the age through parliament without a vote.
Protesters gathered in cities across the country in opposition to French President Macron's proposal.
The move comes as the government says sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise among young people.
The Telsa CEO vowed to follow the "Christchurch Call" to action to eliminate violent hate speech — days after videos of Christchurch massacres were posted on Twitter.
Many voters in Sunday's poll opted for far-right or far-left candidates, denying President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist alliance a straight majority.
Macron’s government will still have the ability to rule, but only by bargaining with legislators.
French President Emmanuel Macron denounced the “barbarism” of the attacks that devastated the town of Irpin.
Sunday's projection show Macron’s party and allies could have trouble getting more than half the seats at the Assembly this time around.
Citizens and trade unions across the continent are taking to the streets for marches commemorating the labor movement and pushing for peace.