Food Stamps

The administration is pursuing several changes that together could trim SNAP enrollment by 10%.
The third draft regulation in a year would shrink benefits for millions.
They say a "Minnesota millionaire" represents all that is wrong with nutrition assistance.
The "Harvest Box" is a reach even by the standards of a symbolic budget document.
SNAP, which helps 38 million people and is one of America's biggest safety net programs, could stop providing benefits if the government shutdown continues.
There was no guarantee of future SNAP payments if the partial government shutdown continues.
Thanks to the government shutdown it looks like food assistance could stop after February.
The president hasn't signed a funding bill, but he could decide the poor are entitled to benefits anyway.
“These guys are not working ... They’re watching porn," said Star Parker, founder and president of the conservative Center for Urban Renewal and Education.
President Trump's tweets weren't enough to make it happen.