Freddie Gray

Alicia White was one of six officers charged in Gray’s high-profile death that sparked outrage.
The announcement that no charges will be filed against the officers in the 2016 death of Alton Sterling is one in a long line of cops walking free after the shooting deaths of black people.
It’s a shame no one believed their truths about how law and order falls on the heads of black citizens.
A former St. Louis police officer was found not guilty in the 2011 death of Anthony Lamar Smith, adding his name to a growing list of officers who have walked free after the shooting deaths of black men and women.
22-year-old Gregory Butler Jr. was also sentenced to 250 hours of community service.
The case of Freddie Gray has shown us our contradictions, in black and white, and has held them up for all of us to see.
The termination came after it was reported that city attorney Glen Keith Allen appeared to be deeply involved with neo-Nazi groups.
A Department of Justice report found the police force holds an "us-versus-them mentality" and routinely abuses residents' rights.