
Two children, their father and their grandmother all died Saturday when a tornado hit the grandparents’ home near rural Winterset that didn’t have a basement.
The Canadian capital has declared a state of emergency against the "occupying" anti-vaccine truckers as global far-right forces step up to support them.
Residents complain of constant air horn blasts, harassment, assault by truckers opposed to COVID-19 vaccines. "This is a siege," said Ottawa's police chief.
The crowdfunding website said "the previously peaceful demonstration has become an occupation, with police reports of violence and other unlawful activity.”
The 26-year-old rapper responded to a plea on Twitter and helped a GoFundMe campaign meet its goal.
The "cardigan" singer quietly gave to the GoFundMe campaign for Theodis Ray Quarles, who succumbed to the virus a week before Christmas.
“I don’t know how all of this got so twisted,” the 23-year-old fashion mogul lamented about her $5,000 donation to help makeup artist Samuel Rauda.
The world’s highest-paid celebrity angered fans after she asked for donations to pay for her makeup stylist’s medical expenses.
The wealthy cosmetics mogul angered fans when she asked for donations to help a makeup artist, who was in an accident.
Confronted with aggressive landlords and layoffs, tenants across the country are trying to avoid eviction, debt and homelessness.