Great Britain

Despite being very "angry-looking," British fire authorities said the 45-year-old reptile was a very lucky fellow.
The athlete revealed he'll now represent Great Britain in honor of his mom.
The Oracle, a British shopping center, announced last week it would not extend the fast food chain's six-month lease.
In a stinging editorial, a major U.K. newspaper is calling for the cancellation of President Donald Trump’s state visit to Great Britain.
Prime Minister Theresa May's government described it as the "last chance to vote for Brexit."
Her note was found 60 miles from Wales, where she threw it into the ocean.
The PM offered the vote following historic 230 vote defeat on her Brexit deal.
British Prime Minister Theresa May scrapped a scheduled vote on her Brexit plan that faced near-certain defeat, throwing the EU divorce deal into chaos.
The president was addressing supporters in Wilkes-Barre when he offered a confusing lesson on one of the United States' closest allies.