House Oversight Committee

Crockett is one of multiple first-term Democrats on the House oversight committee who are turning the tables on pugnacious Republicans.
Even by recent standards, Thursday's meeting of the House Oversight Committee was a shocking train wreck.
After a Democrat on the House Oversight Committee asked, "What is the crime? Tell America right now!” the GOP chair said, "You’re about to find out very soon.”
The Florida Democrat seems to have mastered the art of getting to James Comer, the Republican chair of the House Oversight Committee.
The House Oversight Committee chair has been increasingly lashing out at reporters covering his impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden.
The California Democrat told Republicans it's "time to pack it up" with their probe against the president.
Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) revealed the AT&T subpoena in a staff memo to Democrats on the House Oversight Committee.
The Kentucky Republican allegedly offered “cherry-picked, out of context and totally misleading descriptions” of what Kevin Morris said in a closed deposition.
The president's son unexpectedly showed up at a House Oversight Committee meeting that went completely off the rails.
Oren “Hank” McKnelly pointed out a “math problem” for the Colorado Republican as she questioned him at a House Oversight Committee hearing.