
"The United States needs a foreign policy that puts steel in the face of our enemies."
Yells at reporter to “go back to being a pundit.”
The announcement marks the 200th planned coal plant closure in the Sierra Club's Beyond Coal campaign.
Huffington Post's Scott Conroy and a team of videographers recently followed Republican presidential candidate Senator Lindsey Graham for a day as he campaigned in Iowa.
In this preview clip from '16 and President, Senator Lindsey Graham gets emotional when discussing his longtime friend Vice President Joe Biden.
George H. Simmons came up with the brilliant idea to transform the AMA into a big business by granting the AMA's "seal of approval" to certain drug companies that placed large and frequent ads in JAMA and its various affiliate publications.
Iowa state Senator and U.S. Senate candidate Joni Ernst (R) says she thinks the legality of same-sex marriage should be left up to the states -- but would still support a federal ban on gay marriage if one were proposed.