Jorge Ramos

“In 30 years of covering dictatorships and corruption and things all across the Americas, he’s never been ejected from a press conference.”
“Why would he assume he has the right to make absurd, incoherent, and ignorant comments about us?”
"I’ve been in journalism for 30 years and never been ejected from a news conference. Those are things you see in dictatorships, not in America."
Trump also defended reigniting his feud with Megyn Kelly.
"I am a reporter and my job is to ask questions. No, we are not going to sit down and we're not going to go."
Donald Trump on Tuesday dismissively told highly respected television anchor Jorge Ramos to "go back to Univision" before security physically removed the Mexican-American journalist from a press conference in Dubuque, Iowa.
"When you say immigrants from Mexico are criminals and rapists, isn't that spreading hate?"
"Countries are defined not by the way they treat the rich and powerful, but by the way they treat the most vulnerable."