Kevin McCarthy

House Democrats provided most of the support for Johnson’s stopgap funding bill, which GOP spending foes said didn't do anything to cut spending.
The Tennessee Republican suggested the former speaker is still mad that he voted to take away his gavel.
Just last month, McCarthy told reporters he was “not resigning” from the House and would run for reelection.
The South Carolina lawmaker was among the eight House Republicans who voted to remove the ex-House speaker last month.
Raising money for the party’s vulnerable members is a major duty of the speaker — and the verdict is still out on Mike Johnson.
The lawmakers booed, jeered and screamed in response to a reporter.
The trio couldn't believe the latest word on the former House speaker and failed nominee to replace him.
Still, the former House speaker said "there’s a very good chance" he would eventually back the ex-president in the 2024 GOP presidential primary.
The former Wyoming lawmaker said that chaos among House Republicans is a "direct result" of the ousted former speaker's decisions.
David Jolly has a stark warning on what the next leader will really be like.