Kimberly Guilfoyle

The couple has recently complained about Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s "nepotism" and taxpayer-financed perks.
"The Late Late Show" host brings you a highlight reel of GOP lowlights.
Trump and his party are afraid of democracy, not the USSR.
Donald Trump Jr.’s eyes were watery during his Republican National Convention speech and the Grammy-winning singer has a theory.
In her Republican National Convention speech, Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend apparently overlooked the fact that Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens.
“Is the loud lady gone? I’m scared.” Stephen Colbert went live after the first night of the Republican National Convention.
"The Late Show" host also couldn't get over Donald Trump Jr.'s "sweaty face and wet, bloodshot eyes" at the Republican National Convention.
"Kimberly Guilfoyle made Dear Leader very happy tonight," tweeted "The Daily Show."
President Donald Trump is leaning hard on fear as a key strategy for November.
The pair, who violently threatened peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters, were hailed as "courageous" on a cable news style video hosted by Kimberly Guilfoyle.