Latin America

Brazil is running out of hotel accommodations for World Cup so travelers are now booking sex hotels.
For hundreds, in some cases, thousands of years, others have stood at the same spots and been touched by the same emotions. The connection to a country's cultural heritage holds a powerful attraction for many tourists and travelers.
Alina Fernández Revuelta lleva el peso de ser la hija -no reconocida, a juzgar por el primer apellido- del dictador Fidel Castro.
Así lo recordaré siempre. Riendo, vencedor de otra batalla contra fuerzas más grandes que él, en una imagen bonita de lo que fue toda su larga y maravillosa vida.
Venezuelans are getting naked to protest state violence.
A dos meses de que salga a la venta su nueva producción musical, Jaime Kohen envió un boletín a medios de comunicación: los convocaba a un evento en el Museo Memoria y Tolerancia donde hablaría abiertamente de su preferencia sexual "para plantar semillas de tolerancia en nuestra sociedad".
Many objected when Secretary of State John Kerry referred to Latin America as "the backyard" of the United States last April. While his statement may have been intended as an innocuous comment on geography, the implications of his words represent an all too common attitude about our Southerly neighbors.
Specifically with respect to innovation, Chile has abandoned its old spot in the innovation wasteland and is now known as a growing global hub for entrepreneurship.