Laura Ingraham

The right-wing network launched into conspiracy theories about the upcoming debates almost immediately.
The Fox News host questioned the credibility of Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels, opening herself up to a wave of mockery.
The Fox News host was unimpressed after Jake Tapper told viewers about the moniker, which entered the court record Thursday.
The Fox News host got called out for her characterization of Trump's relationship with Stormy Daniels.
The Trump-supporting rapper is cool with the brews again following right-wing Bud Light backlash.
The Fox News host's on-air claim didn't quite go as expected.
The Fox News host acknowledged the lawyer mix-up after airing the image earlier on her show.
“If you have mail-in voting, you automatically have fraud,” Trump told Laura Ingraham.
One word in the former president's latest brazen boast did a lot of heavy lifting.
The Fox News host was mocked for not letting facts get in the way of her claim.