Lawrence O'Donnell

"There is Donald Trump's presidential portrait," the MSNBC host said.
The MSNBC host said this moment will define Trump "for hundreds of years."
The MSNBC host said Trump's co-defendants are losing sleep as they worry about who will flip next.
The MSNBC host said the former president is showing some unmistakable signs of fear.
"This was just a kind of rookie mistake to make," former organized crime prosecutor Andrew Weissmann said of a Trump lawyer's comments on live TV.
Former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal had a blunt reality check for the former president.
Andrew Weissmann said the new recording makes the case against the former president "absolutely clear."
The MSNBC host said the former president suffered a defeat outside the courtroom, too.
Andrew Weissmann spotted a few lines that could be used in court against the former president.
O'Donnell said if convicted, an obstruction of justice charge could mean a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.